NAMUR and ZVEI have presented a new use case collection for Ethernet APL in the process industry. The publication emphasises the enormous potential and diverse benefits of Ethernet APL in various areas of process automation. The collection, published as AK-Praxis, highlights the current challenges facing the industry and presents specific use cases in the areas of engineering, operation, maintenance and intelligent sensors.
Focus on the needs of users
NAMUR and ZVEI have each set up APL Task Forces to support the introduction of Ethernet-APL and ensure that it meets the needs of end users. Ethernet-APL is synonymous with the entire technology stack, including protocols, device integration, data exchange and security.
Ethernet-APL as a milestone in digitalisation
According to NAMUR and ZVEI, the publication is a milestone on the road to digitalisation in the process industry and offers valuable insights for users and suppliers.
The collection of use cases is available to download free of charge.
Results of the first APL Market Survey
Last year, atp magazin conducted the first Ethernet-APL Market Survey in cooperation with the ZVEI. The results can be downloaded here free of charge.
An update of the market survey will be available at ACHEMA 2024 and in atp magazin 5/2024.
Further information is available at