Next steps for defining reliable principles and parameters for separating a Severe Service Valve (SSV) from a General Purpose Valve are being taken.
In 2016, an interest group led by CGIS President Ross Waters, presented their request for a new standard practice on the topic to the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS). An MSS Technical Committee determined the proposal set forth by the interest group to be a beneficial project and sanctioned its advance. The result was the creation of an official Task Force, also being led by Mr. Waters.
The MSS Coordinating Committee approved the task force’s scope and deemed this an official MSS project; issuing a project number in early October. The task force will now determine the minimum requirements a valve needs to be able to perform when faced with extreme conditions of pressure, temperature, toxicity, solids, or usage.
Over the next year a clear and measurable definition and identification process will be determined by the task group with the end goal of having a standard practice for end-users and manufacturers to follow in the future.