
CVS appointed as an ASCO distributor

ASCO Numatics recently appointed Control Valve Solutions (CVS) as an Offshore Specialist Distributor. The agreement will see ASCO Numatics providing valve sizing, selection and engineering support to CVS, which will enable them to offer a value added service to the offshore industry around their valve piloting solutions. This support will in turn ensure users of CVS services will benefit from the installation of the latest Solenoid valve technologies on repaired and new valves.

“Valve piloting is a specialist field and we know that valve users welcome the expertise that a good valve service company can bring” said Steve Barford, a process Industry Specialist with ASCO Numatics.

CVS will incorporate ASCO Numatics valve piloting solutions when repairing valves that already have solenoid valves fitted, and also when working with users to engineer valve automation projects.

“We already have agreements with Emerson to act as an approved repairer for Fisher control valves and as a distribution channel for TopWorx valve monitoring and position sensing devices” said Mick Beavers Managing Director of CVS. “Having agreements in place with three complementary Emerson brands will help us to continue to deliver the high standards of quality and service that our customers have come to expect of us. By replacing existing solenoid valves with the ASCO Numatics range when we repair a valve, and by using ASCO Numatics product when we automate an actuator, we will ensure users are guaranteed an industry proven and highly reliable solution that takes advantage of the latest technologies in design and manufacture.”