
As a family of companies, MRC employees donated over 13 metric tonnes of food to local communities on four different continents as part of the 2011 MRC Cares Global Food Drive. The event ran from late November through late December and yielded 28,846 pounds of food worldwide. As part of the company commitment to its core value of Community and Charity Involvement, this year, MRC launched the MRC Cares Global Food Drive.

This annual event encourages all of MRC’s 400 global service locations to host a food drive for the benefit of their local food bank or pantry. Employees held raffles, collected canned goods and rallied together to support their charity. The MRC Cares Global Food Drive is not the only way MRC is reaching out to local communities, the MRC Foundation gives monetary donations to charitable organizations, including education, health and human services, arts and humanities and civic projects nominated by MRC employees. In 2011, The MRC Foundation donated more than USD 100,000 to worthy causes, not including additional corporate giving totaling over USD 50,000.