
BEL Valves has partnered with Hima-Sella for the first time to offer a complete High Integrity Pressure Protection System (HIPPS) designed to prevent over-pressurisation in HP/HT and deepwater offshore installations.

BEL Valves and Hima-Sella have combined their specialist expertise in High Integrity valve manufacturing and systems integration respectively, to supply a complete HIPPS solution. The partnership will enable procurement and purchasing personnel to single source a fully specified HIPPS package. HIPPS is a type of safety instrumented system (SIS) that will shut-off the source of high pressure before the design pressure of a system is exceeded, therefore simultaneously protecting against over-pressure scenarios and loss of containment.

The complete BEL Valves/Hima-Sella HIPPS loop, including the sensors, logic solver and the final elements under control, meets Safety Integrity Level 3 (SIL3) and the requirements of IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.