Ludwigsburg, September 2nd 2010 - The trend towards compact dimensions is not just an important subject for the electronic industry but also in the field of mechanical engineering - for an example Compressors: In order to meet ever stricter noise emission regulations they are enclosed and at the same time their bodies are becoming smaller. Consequently the space available for individual components such as valves is continually being reduced while at the same time the performance requirements of these components is increasing. The Goetze KG has responded to these, at first sight contradictory demands and has developed a compact high-performance safety valve for compressed air applications.
The Goetze valve type 810 for compressed air is available either in a brass, brass nickel-plated or high-grade stainless steel (V4A) version and is fitted with a Viton seal as standard. This valve can be set accurately to one tenth of a bar and is available in five different connection sizes from 1/4" to 1". Despite if its compact dimensions (height from 77mm to 135mm), this valve can withstand pressures from 0,2 to 50 bar. Goetze archieves a balance betweeen high-performance and small dimensions by optimization of the body geometry - this significantly increases performance. The blow-off capacity of the valve type 810 exceeds competitive products by up to 40 percent.
Protection against demage
Safety valves limit overpressure in case of technical failure. Once the pressure falls below the set pressure of the valve, it closes again. All safety valves are precisely set and sealed by the manufacturer and cannot be adjusted. They protect the compressor against mechanical damage.
For more than 60 years, Goetze has been manufacturing high-performence fittings for all types af media under pressure: Air, liquids, gases and vapours of all kinds. For further informations please contact Tel. 07141/48894-60 and www.goetze-aramturen.de