

Clifford Springs Ltd

Clifford Springs becomes part of the Lesjofors family

 Clifford Springs is now owned by the Lesjӧfors Group , the world-leaders in spring and pressing manufacturing.

With a turnover of €500 million, over 50 manufacturing and sales sites across the world, our acquisition expands their already extensive product portfolio with our manufacture and supply of canted, PEEK, helical, meander, continuous top rail and anti-extrusion springs. It also offers us growth acceleration opportunities, enables us to be part of something bigger, explore and expand into new markets and invest more into our own technical expertise.

How does this affect you? It doesn’t. We’re the same people, we have the same contact details and there are no changes to your terms and conditions.

You will see a small rebrand of our logo and marketing material over the next few weeks but we are still very much the same team and we look forward to our continued working partnership with you.

This is an exciting time, we are evolving and moving forward as part of a world-leading global design, manufacturing and technological development resource. 

Exhibitor Data Sheet