Pressure Relief – and Safety Valves (PRV’s) are installed on process equipment to release excess pressure due to faulty process operations, external fires and other hazards. Or simply said; “PRV’s are safety devices that serve to protect ‘life and property’”. To ensure these valves will perform as expected, end users and regulatory bodies mandate these valves be tested on a routine basis. Some installations make the option to take out the valve for servicing and testing very difficult, for example; large size valves, welded valves or valves in containment areas etc. Fortunately, there is an approved method of testing PRV’s for these situations, being; the ‘PREVENTEST METHOD’. This method enables you to prove the correct working and performance or identify PRV’s in need of repair without plant shut-down. In-situ testing of PRV’s provides generally a good alternative to bench testing and ultimate tool for annual calibration of PRV's, and allows you to significantly reduce control costs.
VENTIL 's PREVENTEST LTC is a world-wide used auxiliary lift assist device which is widely accepted and recommended by major valve manufacturers. After job completion, the client receives a detailed report on the service provided. The PREVENTEST LTC system is both ‘mechanically’ as well ‘electronically’ prepared for all common spring operated PRV’s in gas, liquid and steam services. A versatile, robust and compact in-situ testing solution with genuine VENTIL DNA.
If you would like to know more about the PREVENTEST LTC...Get in touch: info@ventil.nl or navigate to: https://lnkd.in/es8vpgp8